
  • Dataset: 6n4o
  • Software: GROMACS.mpi (gromacs/2021.4-gofb-2020a-avx2)
  • Resource: 1024 tasks, 1 cores, nodes, 0 GPUs, with NVLink
  • CPU: EPYC 7532 (Rome), 2.4 GHz
  • GPU: None
  • Simulation speed: 45.772 ns/day
  • Efficiency: 9.1 %
  • Site: Narval
  • Date: Dec. 14, 2021, 3:08 a.m.
  • Submission script:

  • Notes:

    #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000 --time=2:0:0 -c1 --ntasks=1024 --nodes=16 -A def-svassili

    module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 openmpi/4.0.3 gromacs/2021.4
    srun gmx_mpi mdrun -s topol.tpr -cpi state.cpi

    grep Brand md.log
    grep "The number of OpenMP threads" md.log
    grep "MPI pro" md.log
    echo ntasks=$SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE
    grep Performance: md.log

    NOTE: 8.6 % of the available CPU time was lost due to load imbalance
    in the domain decomposition.
    Dynamic load balancing was automatically disabled, but it might be benefic
    ial to manually tuning it on (option -dlb on.)
    You can also consider manually changing the decomposition (option -dd);
    e.g. by using fewer domains along the box dimension in which there is
    considerable inhomogeneity in the simulated system.
    NOTE: 19.3 % performance was lost because the PME ranks
    had more work to do than the PP ranks.
    You might want to increase the number of PME ranks
    or increase the cut-off and the grid spacing.

    Will use 640 particle-particle and 384 PME only ranks

  • Simulation input file:

    title = benchmark
    ; Run parameters
    integrator = md
    nsteps = 400000
    dt = 0.001
    ; Output control
    nstxout = 0
    nstvout = 0
    nstfout = 0
    nstenergy = 10000
    nstlog = 10000
    nstxout-compressed = 50000
    compressed-x-grps = System
    ; Bond parameters
    continuation = yes
    constraint_algorithm = lincs
    constraints = h-bonds

    ; Neighborsearching
    cutoff-scheme = Verlet
    ns_type = grid
    nstlist = 10
    rcoulomb = 0.8
    rvdw = 0.8
    DispCorr = Ener ; anaytic VDW correction
    ; Electrostatics
    coulombtype = PME
    pme_order = 4
    fourier-nx = 144
    fourier-ny = 144
    fourier-nz = 144
    ; Temperature coupling is on
    tcoupl = V-rescale
    tc-grps = system
    tau_t = 0.1
    ref_t = 300
    ; Pressure coupling is on
    pcoupl = Parrinello-Rahman
    pcoupltype = isotropic
    tau_p = 2.0
    ref_p = 1.0
    compressibility = 4.5e-5
    ; Periodic boundary conditions
    pbc = xyz
    ; Velocity generation
    gen_vel = no